Notes # 51

Let's Do More With Less!

When the "do more with less" policy hits your school, department, or agency, what do you do about this? Do you work harder, stay at work later, take work home for the weekend-- work more and play less? Eventually a crisis of psychological burnout or physical collapse occurs and you are forced to rethink your decision about how to handle work.


"Notes" #50

Well that's a couple of hundred "That's How I See It!" Newsletters, and now 50 "Notes" that have been sent. So where are we now after these 50 blogs have been read and discarded? Well, it seems we're in the middle of a Pandemic and some people have lost their minds.


Notes #49

Hi, Dan Rosin reaching out to you.

I have received at least 600 new subscribers to my "Notes" blog in the last month. I am not complaining, but puzzled by this sudden interest in the blog. Generally I receive 2-3 new subscribers a month.

If you have recently started to receive the "Notes" blog, would you kindly contact me and let me know if you signed up for my free blog, or is it Simplenews category 8 sending me these new subscribers, and why?


Notes #48

No Cake for You!

Did you hear the one about the "cake artist" who refused to make a wedding cake for a couple? The couple sued! In a fit of anger the "artist/baker" refused to make wedding cakes for anyone.

The baker argued in a US court room that he was being punished for following the dictates of his religion. He said he would sell any of his baking products to anybody, any nationality, colour, gay or straight, but not wedding cakes. He is a fervent Christian and weddings are a religious event, so no wedding cakes to gay people.


"Notes" #47

Some thoughts on "Affairs." (Not recommended)

After the Affair

In this case it was a woman who was cheated on - could just as easily been a man. She felt extremely hurt, betrayed and understandably mistrusting. She felt she had to keep tabs on him, in the beginning, to make sure he wasn't still "doing it"-cheating.



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